Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weekly Blog Post 10

Chose this map because I am trying to travel more starting the the USA and this has a lot of the place I want to go see. I am pretty sure this used Java to create it.

GGS 411 Weekly Map 9

Map of the Nepal earthquake from BBC, big fan of BBC content. The first map specifically is nice thanks to the zoom up of the epicenter.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Blog Post 8

Java map is halfway down the page

Weekly Blog Post 7

Make sure you "allow" the map to run the application when you load the page. Interactive zooming map of crime in the NOVA area.

Weekly Blog Post 6

Although complex, this map utilizes a splash screen in which you need to enter an address to get to the map.

Weekly Map 5

Map of USA History with a interactive timeline.

Weekly Map Post 4

Shape Tween Map.

Weekly Blog Post 3

Map of Fairfax County, click on the layers button in the top right corner to bring up layer check boxes.

Weekly Lab Post 2

History map that uses buttons to function through time.

Weekly Lab Post 1(REDO)

Interactive map of global outbreaks!

GGS 411 Lab 10 Link to my index file that has all my labs.