Saturday, February 7, 2015

GGS 411 Lab 1 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

What we have here are two maps of the city Banda Aceh. Map one shows a satellite image of a northern portion of the city prior to the large 9.1-9.3 earthquake that struck the Indian Ocean. Using the paint brush tool, I highlighted major features of the city including coastline, roads and shrubbery that was in the water. Upon completion, I used the same paint layer and overlapped it on top of a satellite image of the same area that was taken on in December of that year which was after the earthquake and tsunami occurred. The outcome is quite remarkable and can clearly be define by the second image. It is important to note that satellite images are very difficult to replicate perfectly; with that in mind I decided to try and align the coastline of the two images as best as I could as I believe that the decay of the coastlines is the main feature that needs to be addressed by this map. Subsequently, some of the roads and shrubberies were off a little.

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